Hidden Costs of Excess Fuel: Airlines' Impact on CO2 Emissions
Hidden Costs of Excess Fuel: Airlines' Impact on CO2 Emissions
Airlines are crossing the globe burdened with tons of unnecessary fuel, driving their carbon footprint to unwarranted heights. This practice, driven by the reluctance to purchase kerosene in regions with higher prices, is coming under examination as the BBC reveals the limited cost savings associated with this strategy.

The Heavy Toll of Extra Fuel
By lugging additional kerosene, aircraft not only bear unnecessary weight but also contribute to a surge in CO2 emissions. "Panorama," a BBC program, discloses instances where extra fuel is carried, yielding minimal savings—sometimes less than 50 euros for an entire plane. The investigation spotlighted British Airways, emitting an extra 18,000 tons of CO2 in 2018 alone due to this practice. As the industry struggles with environmental concerns, the CEO of The International Airlines Group, Willie Walsh, pledges to examine and potentially reconsider this approach. Eurocontrol's report estimates that these fuel practices collectively result in an additional 900,000 tons of CO2 emissions, raising questions about the sustainability and environmental impact of such manoeuvres (Businessinsider, 2019)